Program for WTO TRIPS Council (June 8-9) including discussion on Paragraph 6 implementation and TRIPS plus enforcement trends

The following WTO aerogram contains the agenda for the upcoming WTO Council for TRIPS meeting to be held in Geneva from 8 June 2010 to 9 June 2010. Paragraph 2 and agenda items l and m will be of interest to readers of this blog. It should be noted that in the original document, the text is capitalized.

WTO/AIR/3562/Rev. 1

1. The next meeting of the Council for TRIPS will be held in the Center William Rappard on 8-9 June 2010. The meeting will start at 11 A.M. Tuesday, 8 June.

2. Brazil, China, Cuba, Ecuador, India, Indonesia, Peru and Venezuela have made a written request to add an additional item to the agenda. China and India have made a separate written request to add a further item to the agenda. Following these requests, the following items L and M are now proposed for the agenda (the two new proposals are listed as items l and m respectively, in order of the receipt of requests):

A. Notifications under provisions of the Agreement

B. Reviews of national implementing legislations

C. Review of the provisions of article 27.3 (b)

D. Relationship between the TRIPS Agreement and the Convention on Biological Diversity

E. Protection of Traditional Knowledge and Folklore

F. Non-violation and situation complaints

G. Review of implementation of the TRIPS Agreement under Article 71.1

H. Review of the application of the provisions of the section on geographical indications under article 24.2

I. Follow-up to the Seventh Annual Review under Paragraph 2 of the Decision on the Implementation of article 66.2 of the TRIPS Agreement.

J. Technical cooperation and capacity-building

K. Letter form the Chair of the General Council concerning ways to improve the timeliness and completeness of notifications and other information flows

L. Implementation of Paragraph 6 system

M. TRIPS plus enforcement trends

N. Information on relevant developments elsewhere in the WTO

O. Observer status for international intergovernmental organization

P. Other business

3. It is recalled that Paragraph 19 of the Doha Ministerial Declaration provides that the Council, in undertaking the work provided for in that paragraph, shall be guided by the objectives and principles set out in Articles 7 and 8 of the TRIPS Agreement and shall take fully into account the development dimension.

4. Any Member wishing an addition item to be placed on the proposed agenda is invited to inform the secretariat of the sufficiently in advance so that a revised aerogram can be issued ten calendar days prior to the meeting.

5. Members of the WTO, other government with observer status and international organizations with observer status are required to inform the Secretariat of the names of their representatives as soon as possible.

Pascal Lamy


1. The twenty-sixth special session of the Council for TRIPS will be held in the Centre William Rappard on Thursday, 10 June 2010, starting at 10 a.m.

2. The following agenda items are proposed for the agenda:

A. Negotiation on the establishment of a multilateral system of notification and registration of geographical indications for wines and spirits.

B. Other business.

3. Participants in the negotiations and governments with observer status are requested to inform the secretariat of the names of their representatives as soon as possible.

Pascal Lamy