Medical Research and Development

The following are some areas of KEI research, analysis and advocacy as regards medical research and development. More details will be added later.

Costs of development of new drugs

Reform of Incentives to Stimulate R&D

KEI provides evaluation of various incentive measures, and proposes a variety of reforms, including but not limited to those that de-link R&D costs from product prices.

De-linkage of R&D costs from product prices.

This is an important and core policy proposal and political demand. Some of the specific mechanisms to implement de-linkage follow.

The World Heath Organization negotiations on a new medical R&D treaty

The debate at the 65th World Health Assembly, under Agenda item 13.14

The 65th WHA took up the Report of WHO’s Consultative Expert Working Group (CEWG), which included as its most important recommendations, that WHO begin negotiations on a binding WHO Convention on financing R&D, and that the financing be tied to open knowledge approaches and the de-linkage of R&D costs and product prices.

Press coverage and commentary

NGO commentary

KEI Commentary

Health Action International

The People’s Health Movement



Universities Allied for Essential Medicine (UAEM).


The Use of Innovation Inducement Prizes to stimulate medical R&D

For more on this, see: