Collective Management of IPR and Patent Pools

UNITAID patent pool for medicines

Cost Benefit Analysis for UNITAID Patent Pool

UNITAIDwebsite on patent pools

MSF website on patent pools


July 2009. All party UK Parlimentary Group on AIDS report”The treatment Timebomb“.

August 6, 2008. “UNITAID
Patent Pool at Mexico City AIDS Conference
,” KEI Policy Blog. And Audio of Mexico City AIDS conference event on patent pools ,”MSF Website

August 5, 2008. “UAEM Urges Universities to Support UNITAID Patent Pool,” UAEM press

July 9, 2008. Kaitlin Mara, “Patent Pooling Is
Next Step for Innovative Drug Purchasing Agency
,”Intellectual Property Watch

July 9, 2008. Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)/Doctors Without Borders, “MSF Statement on UNITAID Medicines Patent Pool Decision.” 

July 9, 2008. UNITAID, “UNITAID moves towards a patent pool for medicines,” UNITAID press

July 8, 2008. KEI Statement on
UNITAID Announcement

July 8, 2008. Donald G. McNeil Jr., “Effort
for Lower Drug Prices Would Focus on Gaining Patents
,” New York Times, Health Section. 

EMILA Draft Patent Pool Licenses

June 2008 working plan for the Essential Medical
Innovation Licensing Agency (EMILA). As
pdf , with licenses.

(Many) Examples of Patent Pools

June 4, 2007. David Serafino, Survey of Patent Pools, KEI Research Note 2007:6.

IGWG Documents

September 30, 2007. The Use of Patent Pools to Expand Access to Needed Medical Technologies.   KEI Comment to the World Health Organization (WHO) Intergovernmental Working Group (IGWG) on Public Health, Innovation and Intellectual Property Rights.

January 23, 2007. IGWG Briefing Paper on Patent Pools , KEI Research Note 2007:3

Global strategy and plan of action on public health, innovation and intellectual property, WHA61.21

(4.3) developing possible new mechanisms to promote transfer of and access to key health-related technologies
(a) examine the feasibility of voluntary patent pools of upstream and downstream technologies to promote innovation of and access to health products and medical devices

Earlier proposals on patent pools for medicines

July 8, 2002.
Proposal for An Essential Health Care Patent Pool
, XIV International AIDS Conference, Barcelona, Spain.

2005.  An Essential Patent Pool for AIDS (EPPA), various proposals by Essential Inventions

Selected Articles about Patent Pools

September 2007. Judit Rius Sanjuan, “Propuesta para facilitar el acceso a los tratamientos contra el cáncer: Pools de patentes para tecnologías médicas,” Boletin Fármacos, Ventana Abierta, Volumen 10, número 4. 

Other Patent Pools

KEI comments on GSK announcement about the creation of a patent pool for neglected diseases.