WIPO Extraordinary General Assembly: Statement of Venezuela (references European Union’s Nobel Peace Prize)

Venezuela delivered the following statement on 17 December 2012 at the WIPO Extraordinary General Assembly.

VENEZUELA: Thank you, Chairman.

Likewise, we, too, wish to extend thanks to the Director General and the Secretariat and the ambassador of Zambia for his successful leading work in the SCCR. We support the holding of a Diplomatic Conference on this subject. It will be a very significant political signal if we were to convene this conference which has very major human rights over tones.

We mustn’t condition the conference on overcoming the very few difficulties that still exist, because in the past Diplomatic Conferences have been convened with more difficult, more complex situations than the SCCR text as it stands now. And yet the outcomes have been successful. To try and condition the Diplomatic Conference at this stage would be a veiled form of not wanting concrete outcomes and this would not be conducive to the necessary balance that we all wish to find in the outcome. All of us wish to help the visually impaired who are all eagerly awaiting awaiting a successful conclusion. We would like to express pleasure at the awarding of the Nobel Peace prize to the European Union, which we think will fix fix further enhance our chances of having a successful outcome to our endeavors here.
