KEI analysis on the WHO INB zero draft

In February 2023, Knowledge Ecology International (KEI) circulated two memos providing analysis on the WHO INB. pandemic CA+ zero draft text. The first memo provides KEI’s take on Article 10 of the zero draft. The memo elaborates on thee provisions for the WHO Pathogen Access and Benefit-Sharing System (the PABS), reviews the experience with the WHO PIP Framework for influenza, which is the model for PABS, and also presents a proposal for an open source dividend, which can be either a complement or a substitute for benefit sharing. The link for this memo is:

The second memo provides KEI’s analysis on several articles in the WHO pandemic CA+ zero draft text dealing with intellectual property, licensing, government funded R&D and transparency, from Article 6, 7, 8, 9 and 19, plus a proposal for pooling rights in inventions, data, biologic resources and know-how. The link for this memo is: