WIPO General Assembly 2023 – KEI General statement

on Friday, 7 July 2023, Knowledge Ecology International (KEI) delivered its general statement at the Sixty-Fourth Series of Meetings Assemblies of the Member States of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).

KEI general statement – WIPO General Assembly 2023

7 July 2023

In a public health crisis, no company should have a monopoly of essential inventions, data, biologic resources and manufacturing know-how needed for countermeasures.

During COVID, the most common non-voluntary authorizations to use patented inventions involved exceptions in TRIPS Article 44.2, to eliminate the availability of injunctions. WIPO should have a workshop on the use of this often ignored flexibility.

The innovation system should be more transparent, in order to make actors more accountable and to enhance the public’s trust. WIPO should avoid text based negotiations that are off the record.

KEI opposes any further work on a broadcast treaty, given confusion over objectives of the treaty, and proposals to provide perpetual rights to broadcasters for content that they do not create, own or license.