Previous draft treaty texts

2009 SCCR 18, May 25 to May 29, 2009. At this meeting, Brazil, Ecuador and Paraguay introduced formally the proposal that the World Blind Union had drafted in 2008. Proposal by Brazil, Ecuador and Paraguay, Relating to Limitations and Exceptions:… Continue Reading

The NFB/MPAA statement

On Thursday May 30, 2013, the leaders of the MPAA and the NFB issued a joint statement, followed by a joint press call involving Chris Dodd, the CEO of the MPAA, and Rick Maurer, the President of the NFB. The… Continue Reading

Distance education for blind people opposed by a White House responsive to MPAA

hvrtwr_kbd_225x150_q60.jpgDuring the WIPO negotiations on disabilities, the White House has told U.S. Blind groups it will kill a WIPO treaty on copyright exceptions for persons who are blind or have other disabilities if the treaty covers audiovisual works, including those used in education, including distance teaching programs.

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