Unbranding Medicines — Harvard workshop on generics

Today I am at Harvard, attending a workshop titled: Unbranding Medicines: the politics, promise, and challenge of generic drugs. This is put on by the Harvard Interfaculty Initiative on Medicines and Society. The program in general is quite impressive, particularly as regards to the depth of experience and knowledge about the generic drug industry, including its early origins.

I was asked to speak about the use of prizes. The slides from my presentation are here:


Here are pictures of Al Engelberg and Richard Crout.

Al Engelberg on the origins and record of the Hatch/Waxman Act

Al Engelberg talked about the origins and record of the Hatch/Waxman Act. He said generic markets now work better, but patent extensions have not stimulated R&D.

Richard Crout, Former Director, FDA Bureau of drugs

Richard Crout, Former Director, FDA Bureau of drugs
