KEI panel on government funding of COVID drugs and vaccines at the Global Congress on Intellectual Property and the Public Interest

On October 5, 2020, KEI organized a panel about government funding of COVID-19 drugs and vaccines at the Global Congress on Intellectual Property and the Public Interest. Although the full Global Congress event was postponed to the year 2021, the organizers held a week about COVID-19, intellectual property, and the public interest. For more information about the Global Congress see:

The co-panelists were Luis Gil Abinader (KEI), Zain Rizvi (Public Citizen), Kathryn Ardizzone (KEI), and Professor Bhaven Sampat (Columbia Public Health). The panel was moderated by James Love. Our presentations and slides are available below.

Luis Gil Abinader – Failures to disclose government funding in COVID patents.

Zain Rizvi – Government support for COVID medicines.

Kathryn Ardizzone – COVID-19 funding agreements in the United States.

Bhaven N. Sampat – Linking drugs to government funding: an idea.