Iran’s Statement on the limitations and exceptions at WIPO SCCR 30

This is the prepared statement that Iran read on Wed, which was widely praised by access to known advocates.

Iran’s Statement on the limitations and exceptions
1 July 2015

Mr. Chairman,

The right to science, knowledge and culture is recognized in various basic human rights instruments, such as the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.

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SCCR 30 End of Session on the Broadcasters’ Treaty: Snail pace to -almost- reach consensus

July 1, 2015 2d Morning Session

The morning started and ended with the clear impression that there was no consensus on whether definitions are needed or not regarding broadcasting organizations or broadcasting itself. Still, Romania and the Central European States and Balkans group as well as the Russian Federation were calling for text-based work and were talking about “a road map to a diplomatic conference.”

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