Kite Pharma Press Releases & News Stories Related to Relationship with National Cancer Institute

Kite Pharma is a California-based biopharmaceutical company working on various types of cell therapies for the treatment of cancer, in a bid to become the first pharmaceutical firm to gain successful FDA approval for this new class of cancer treatment.

Kite closely collaborates with the National Cancer Institute, which conducted significant early research into the forms of cell therapies that Kite is seeking to commercialize. NCI conducts clinical trials under Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRADAs) with Kite, and additionally has granted exclusive licenses on over a dozen patents to Kite on the same technologies.
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Senator Schumer Press release calling for use of 28 USC 1498 to authorize generic manufacture of oseltamivir (TN: Tamiflu)

Schumer’s October 16, 2005 press release As Avian Flu Closes In On U.S., Schumer Calls For Immediate Action: Demands Suspension Of Tamiflu Patent So Vaccine Can Be Mass-Produced, Dramatically Increasing Supply Tamiflu, the Only Effective Treatment of Bird Flu in… Continue Reading