KEI comment to USPTO on the need for a statutory experimental use exception for patents

The USPTO has a request for comment on the need for a statutory experimental use exception for patents. (89 FR 53963). The USPTO uploads the comments to Regulations.Gov, docket PTO-C-2024-0023. KEI filed comments on September 10, 2024: KEI-Experimental-use-exception-10Sept2024 September 10,… Continue Reading

INB11: Statement of Knowledge Ecology International (KEI) – Complementarity and coherence

On Monday afternoon, 9 September 2024, Knowledge Ecology International (KEI) delivered this statement on the complementarity and coherence between the amended International Health Regulations (2005), adopted by the Seventy‑seventh World Health Assembly, and the proposal for the WHO Pandemic Agreement… Continue Reading

INB11: Statement of Knowledge Ecology International (KEI) – Legal architecture of the proposal for the WHO Pandemic Agreement

On Monday afternoon, 9 September 2024, Knowledge Ecology International (KEI) delivered this statement on the legal architecture of the proposal for the WHO Pandemic Agreement. KEI has an open mind regarding the appropriate nature of the instrument or instruments for… Continue Reading

KEI Comments on NIH Exclusive License to Autala for Autoimmune Treatment

On September 3, 2024, Knowledge Ecology International (KEI) submitted comments to the NIH regarding the “Prospective Grant of an Exclusive Patent License: Dimethyl Synaptamide for the Treatment of Autoimmune Disorders and Inflammatory Diseases” (89 FR 66730). The Federal Register notice… Continue Reading

KEI letter to the NIH regarding need for better reporting on the utilization of licensed inventions and access in developing countries

The PDF version of the letter has all tables and footnotes: KEI-NIH-28Aug2028 August 28, 2024 Abby Rives, JD Division Director Technology Transfer and Innovation Policy National Institutes for Health Vladimir Knezevic, MD Senior Advisor for Commercial Evaluation Technology Advancement Office… Continue Reading

Save the Date – 2 September 2024 – Reflections on the IP & Technology Transfer provisions of the WHO Pandemic Agreement

In advance of the September 2024 WHO pandemic negotiations (INB 11), Knowledge Ecology International (KEI), Innovarte, and Medicines Law & Policy (ML&P) will convene a virtual panel entitled, “Reflections on the IP & Technology Transfer provisions of the WHO Pandemic… Continue Reading

KEI Joins Amicus Brief in CIR v. Dept of Labor case on FOIA and Transparency of Government Records

On July 17, 2024, Knowledge Ecology International (KEI) joined Universities Allied for Essential Medicines, Dr. Christopher Morten, and Dr. Reshma Ramachandran in submitting an amicus brief in the case of the Center for Investigative Reporting, et al. v. United States… Continue Reading

KEI Submissions to the NIH on the Draft NIH Intramural Research Program Policy: Promoting Equity Through Access Planning

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Office of Science Policy (OSP) posted a Request for Information (RFI) on the Draft NIH Intramural Research Program Policy: Promoting Equity Through Access Planning. The draft policy seeks, “to promote access to products stemming… Continue Reading