KEI comment to USPTO on the need for a statutory experimental use exception for patents

The USPTO has a request for comment on the need for a statutory experimental use exception for patents. (89 FR 53963). The USPTO uploads the comments to Regulations.Gov, docket PTO-C-2024-0023. KEI filed comments on September 10, 2024: KEI-Experimental-use-exception-10Sept2024 September 10,… Continue Reading

Bolivia seeks to import COVID-19 vaccines from Biolyse, if Canada grants them a compulsory license

Today the government of Bolivia and Biolyse, a company based in Canada, signed an agreement to acquire COVID-19 vaccines manufactured by the company, if Canada grants them a compulsory license. Biolyse is a manufacturer of cancer drugs with the potential… Continue Reading

Following KEI request for investigation, Cold Spring Harbor Labs says 7 patents require correction to disclose federal funding


  • After KEI filed a complaint with the NIH, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) corrected a failure to disclose funding of at least 7 patented inventions, including one patent for the drug Sprinraza.
  • Since 2012, when federal funding was relevant to an invention, CSHL failed to make a disclosure on a filed patent more than half the time.

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PhRMA Special 301 submission on Thailand

The following discusses the 2009 PhRMA submission for the USTR Special 301 list on Thailand. Thailand is one of three Asian countries (China, Philippines and Thailand) that were singled out by PhRMA for the harshest treatment. The submission on Thailand covers several topics, including these:

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