KEI Joins Amicus Brief in CIR v. Dept of Labor case on FOIA and Transparency of Government Records

On July 17, 2024, Knowledge Ecology International (KEI) joined Universities Allied for Essential Medicines, Dr. Christopher Morten, and Dr. Reshma Ramachandran in submitting an amicus brief in the case of the Center for Investigative Reporting, et al. v. United States… Continue Reading

Summary of KEI’s September 28, 2023 comments to the TRIPS Council On Paragraph 8 Of The Ministerial Decision On The TRIPS Agreement

Summary of September 28, 2023 comments to the TRIPS Council On Paragraph 8 Of The Ministerial Decision On The TRIPS Agreement James Love Knowledge Ecology International (KEI) The June 17, 2022 decision on the TRIPS Agreement and COVID-19 vaccines was… Continue Reading

Reference Pricing in US Government COVID-19-related Contracts

Knowledge Ecology International conducted a review of contracts entered into by the US government concerning COVID-19-related treatments, diagnostics, vaccines, and other countermeasure-related technologies, regarding reference pricing clauses in the agreements. Of the 104 contracts reviewed, it is difficult to say… Continue Reading

KEI Oral Statement for US ITC Investigation on COVID-19 and TRIPS Agreement Flexibilities

NOTE: KEI also submitted a 16-page in depth written submission to this investigation on March 20, 2023. The US International Trade Commission (ITC) will hold a hearing on March 29-30, 2023 on COVID–19 Diagnostics and Therapeutics: Supply, Demand, and TRIPS… Continue Reading

US government files statement of Interest in Arbutus v Moderna case, testing scope of 28 USC 1498(a) government use of patents for acquisition and distribution of COVID 19 vaccines

On February 14, 2023, USDOJ filed a Statement of Interest of the United States, in the patent dispute between Arbutus Biopharma, Genevant Sciences, and Moderna. A copy of the filing is here: arbutus.moderna.USG.statementofinterest This is an important, and while not… Continue Reading

7 July 2022: Human Rights Council adopts resolution on right to health resolution with references delinkage, solidarity, global public good, and the transfer of technology and know-how

On Thursday, 7 July 2022, the 40th session of the Human Rights Council (HRC) adopted, by consensus, a resolution on Access to medicines, vaccines and other health products in the context of the right of everyone to the enjoyment of… Continue Reading