Biden Administration’s $3.5 Billion Purchase Agreement with Pfizer for International Vaccine Donation

On September 22, 2021, Knowledge Ecology International (KEI) obtained a copy of the $3.5 billion contract between the U.S. government and Pfizer to purchase 500 million doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine for international donation to low- and middle-income countries. The… Continue Reading

Biden Administration asked to clarify scope of sanctions exceptions for Cuba’s vaccine program, and to support the evaluation and registration of its COVID-19 vaccines

On June 28, 2021, KEI sent a memorandum to Gayle E Smith (State), Eric Lander (OSTP), Loyce Pace (HHS) and Samantha Power (USAID), asking the U.S. government to clarify that its sanctions against Cuba do not extend to activities and… Continue Reading

WHA74: KEI’s statement on Public health emergencies: preparedness and response

At the World Health Organization’s 74th World Health Assembly, Knowledge Ecology International delivered the following remarks on “Public health emergencies: preparedness and response” on Monday, 31 May 2021. Non-state actors are limited to one minute statements. Knowledge Ecology International asks… Continue Reading

People’s Vaccine Alliance Letter to Prime Minister Trudeau Urgently Requesting the Amendment of Schedule 1

On May 18th, the People’s Vaccine Alliance sent Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada, a letter urgently requesting that vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics for COVID-19 be added to Schedule 1 of the Patent Act. Below is the text of the PVA… Continue Reading

Texas A&M Vaccine Manufacturing Contract Shows that cGMP Manufacturing of COVID-19 Vaccines Can Start in Five Months 

A $265 million COVID-19 vaccine manufacturing contract between the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Texas A&M University System (TAMUS) to manufacture the Novavax and other COVID-19 vaccines demonstrates that a manufacturing facility can be retrofitted to… Continue Reading

Bolivia seeks to import COVID-19 vaccines from Biolyse, if Canada grants them a compulsory license

Today the government of Bolivia and Biolyse, a company based in Canada, signed an agreement to acquire COVID-19 vaccines manufactured by the company, if Canada grants them a compulsory license. Biolyse is a manufacturer of cancer drugs with the potential… Continue Reading

KEI submission to Canada Standing Committee on International Trade and Investment Policy: Concerning COVID-19

Brief to Standing Committee on International Trade and Investment Policy: Selected Consideration Concerning COVID-19 Vaccines Knowledge Ecology International James Love and Arianna Schouten 30 April 2021 This brief will discuss (1) the scope and purpose of the proposed World Trade… Continue Reading

41 Canadian Experts Request Amendment to Schedule 1 of the Patent Act to include COVID-19 vaccines

On April 27th, a letter signed by 41 Canadian experts was sent to the Prime Minister of Canada, the Minister of Innovation, Science & Industry, and the Minister of Health. The letter requests the amendment of Schedule 1 of the… Continue Reading

KEI Statement at WTO COVID-19 Vaccine Equity Event

On Wednesday April 14, 2021, the World Trade Organization hosted an event titled “COVID-19 and Vaccine Equity: What can the WTO contribute?” which featured three sessions concerning vaccine distribution, manufacturing, and looking forward at how the system could better address… Continue Reading